Заполни пропуски словами по смыслу
A. 8.  My computer has got some bugs and often… .
A. 9.   Professional athletes need to be … in food and entertainment.
A. 10. He seriously … his knee while climbing the rock.
A. 11. Through this practice, … acquire a strong spirit of strength and tenacity.
A. 12. The packaging is … and so is the product.
A. 13. The … hardware allowed to use new multimedia program.
A. 8
a) virus
b) to access
c) crashes
d) database
A. 9
a) compete
b) injure
c) coach
d) moderate
A. 10
a) inspiration
b) injured
c) role model
d) indulge
A. 11
a) risk takers
b) think twice
c) go to extremes
d) desire
A. 12
a) dates back
b) update
c) outdated
d) date
A. 13
a) outdating
b) dated back
c) date
d) update

Есть ответ


8) crashes9) moderate

10)injured11)  risk takers12) outdated

13) update 

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