Comparative and superlative adjectives. Put the correct form of the adjective into gaps.
1) Maths is .......... than History .(difficult)
2)The weather is ............ today than yesterday. (bad)
3)My grandmother is the ..... in the family. (old)
4)This is the ........ hotel in our city. (expencive)
5) My brother is ........ than me. (young)
6) I'm ..... today. (good)
7) He's the ......... pupil in class. (good)
8) It's the ....... car. (fast)
9) Your house is ...... than mine. (big)

Есть ответ


1) more difficult
2) worse
3) oldest / eldest
4) most expensive
5) younger
6) better
7) best
8) fastest
9) bigger

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