Укажите подлежащее и сказуемое следующих предложений. 1. Our ...
Укажите подлежащее и сказуемое следующих предложений. 1. Our city new stadium is situated far from the center. 2. Both his sons are the students of the University. 3. To whom did your teacher read his book yesterday? 4. My friend's younger brother studies at school. 5. Once there was a large park in our city. 6. To the joy of my friends I was well now. 7. Did his son take this book in the library? 8. Some years ago our family moved to Rostov-on-Don. 9. On the left is our city largest library. 10. Who knows where this man lives now? 11. Usually one keeps one's books in the book-case. 12. What a wonderful story your father told us! 13. Is his younger sister a schoolgirl? 14. Having done the task we went home. 15. There was nobody in the room.
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