6. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, затем преобразуйте их в отрицательные и вопросительные 1) Джон отправил два письма своим друзьям неделю назад. 2) Они пойдут в кино в следующее воскресенье. 3) Моя бабушка любит работать в саду. 4) Его жена уже пригласила их друзей. 5) Мы пишем очень трудный тест сейчас. 6) Мы никогда не видели эту выставку раньше.

Есть ответ


1. John sent two letters to his friends a week ago.
2. They will go to the cinema next Sunday.
3. My grandmother loves to work in the garden.
4. His wife has already invited their friends.
5. We are writing a very difficult test now.
6. We have never seen this exhibition before.

1. John sent two letters to his friends not a week ago.
2. They will not go to the cinema next Sunday.
3. My grandmother does not like to work in the garden.
4. His wife has not invited their friends yet.
5. We are writing a not very difficult test now.
6. We have never seen this exhibition before.

1. A week ago, John sent two letters to his friends?
2. Will they go to the cinema next Sunday?
3. My grandmother loves gardening?
4. Has his wife already invited their friends?
5. Are we writing a very difficult test now?
6. Have we ever seen this exhibition before?

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