СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА✨ 2.1.3. Insert the right article if necessary. 1) We have English three times A week. 2) I usually have porridge and milk for ... breakfast. 3) It is ... most interesting film about school life. 4) There is a round table in ... middle of the room. 5) Let's go to ... country together! 6) Last summer we went to London by ... plane. 7) What ... wonderful weather we are having today! 8) East or West, ... home is best! 9) I meet ... lot of my friends at school. 10) There is ... comfortable kitchen downstairs

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1) We have English three times A week.
2) I usually have porridge and milk for breakfast.
3) It is the most interesting film about school life.
4) There is a round table in the middle of the room.
5) Let's go to the country together!
6) Last summer we went to London by plane.
7) What wonderful weather we are having today!
8) East or West,home is best!
9) I meet a lot of my friends at school.
10) There is a comfortable kitchen downstairs.

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