: Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous) 1 We have no idea how long they _____(swim) for, but it has certainly been longer than an hour now. 2. It _____(rain) for hours now. I hope it stops soon. 3. I _____(write) one exercise after the other and will have to stop soon. 4. Our visitors ____(not wait) too long. I think they have just arrived. 5. Do you know where the children are? I _____(look) for them for the last half hour. 6. How long _____(you / work) at the library ? 7. We _______(write) to each other for so long now, that I can't remember when we started. 8. Just look at those trousers. What on earth _______(you / do) ? Choose the present perfect simple or conitnuous 1) It _____(not/rain) for three hours! Only about one hour. . 2) How long _____(you/live) in London? . 3) How long _____(you/wait) for the bus? . 4) He ____(never / go) abroad. . 5) _____(they/arrive) already? . 6) ______(you/finish) your homework yet? . 7) Julie ______(not/eat) anything today. . 8) How long _______(you/have) your car? . 9) She _______(drink) ten glasses of water!. . 10) I _______(wait) for three hours already!. . 11) How long ______(you/be) a lawyer? . 12) It ______(not/rain) all summer, so the garden is dead. . 13) How long ______(you/know) Luke? . 14) She _____(have) parties every week for ten years. . 15) I _______(have) my dog for sixteen years. . 16) How long _____(Julie/have) problems at school? . 17) I _____(read) your book all day - it's very interesting. . 18) It _______(snow) since last night. . 19) How long _______(you/think) about changing your job? . 20) She _______(eat) chocolate all morning so she feels sick.

Есть ответ


1 they have swim
2 it has rains
3 l have write
4 our visitors haven't wait
5 l have look
6 How long have you worked at the library ?
7 we have write
8 what on earth не знаю

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