Вместо многоточия надо поставить артикли( a (an); the; --) помогите пожалуйста...)))
1)...Student must use his ID card to be admitted to... library.2)If... person expects to play the...guitar well, he must be willing to practice often.3)Ann looked everywhere for ... badminton net. it was in... attic 4)Who do you suppose was at ...meeting?5)...woman who is giving... speech is...university teacher. 6)What do you think of ...discussion that followed....meeting?7)...melom is ripe , juicy has...sweet taste .8)Unless ...rain stop ...picnic will be held under...pavillion.9)Can you hold ...lid down so I can lock ....suitcase?10)My sister works in...large hospital in London. She is ... doctor .11)... weather was lovely when I woke up yesterday morning: ...sun was shining and there was...beautiful blue sky.12)My car has brokendown and I'll have to check ...engine .13)...ambulance took....poor woman to hospital only at 7 p.m.14)Who is... person who borrowed my umbrella?15)They gave Anna...guitar for Christmas .She is very good at playing ...guitar,...piano and ...violin. On the whole , she is ....very gifted girl.
16)These jeans are cheap. I bought them at...small shop somewhere near ...General post-office.17)Ann went to ...best dressmaker to ensure that her wedding dress fitted her like ..glove.18)Everything he has said is...lie. he made up ...whole story.19)...boutique opposite my house is having sale.20)Isn't he ..man who plays ...violin in your orchestra?21)...village of baydon where he lived as ....child , has now become part of ...town .
22)Are you....person who telephoned here...hour ago?23)If I'm accepted for...job, I'll have to start at ....beginning of september.24)Will you send me ... report as soon as it's finished?25)You shouldn't be taking...shower now. ...taxi's coming in twenty minutes.26)As soon as he had saved enough money he bought ... new computer.27)It was ....very stormy night. ... wind was howling and ...rain was beating against ...window.
28)There was ...accident which held up all...traffic coming into town.
29)Obviously we aren't going for ....walk in...rain.30)It's pleasant to play ...game of tennis on ...warm summer afternoon. 31)... student at ...back of...class was reading ...newspaper. 32)...elephant's trunk is very strong , it can hold ...log a wood. 33)You eat too little: that amount wouldn't keep ... sparrow alive. 34)...shirts on...washing-line must be dry now. 35)A small room was crammed with ... furniture .
36)what is ....capital of India? - Delhi.37)What do you think of Margaret ?- She is ...extremely nice person.38)I've got ...book about...life of John Kennedy. 39)Pauline asked me ....question to which I could hardly give...reply.40)Do you have ....sleeping bag by any chance?
41)...nail went right through...wall.42)They thought that ...car was too expensive. 43)...festival will be opened ...day after tomorrow.44)Linda stopped...car to let ...black cat run across ..street.45)My mother was surprised at...cleanliness of ...room. 46)...job brought Paul ...great satisfaction .47)you must contract ...manager and tell him about....telegram. It is ...urgent telegram.

Есть ответ


1)A Student must use his ID card to be admitted to the library.2)If a person expects to play the guitar well, he must be willing to practice often.3)Ann looked everywhere for the badminton net. it was in the attic 4)Who do you suppose was at the meeting?5)The woman who is giving  a speech is a university teacher. 6)What do you think of  the discussion that followed the meeting?7) The melon is ripe , juicy has a sweet taste.8)Unless the rain stops the picnic will be held under the pavillion.9)Can you hold the lid down so I can lock the suitcase?10)My sister works in a large hospital in London. She is a doctor .11)The  weather was lovely when I woke up yesterday morning: the sun was shining and there was a beautiful blue sky.12)My car has broken down and I'll have to check the engine.13)The ambulance took the poor woman to hospital only at 7 p.m.14)Who is the  person who borrowed my umbrella?15)They gave Anna a guitar for Christmas. She is very good at playing the guitar, the piano and the violin. On the whole, she is a very gifted girl.

16)These jeans are cheap. I bought them at a small shop somewhere near the General post-office.17) Ann went to the best dressmaker to ensure that her wedding dress fitted her like a glove.18) Everything he has said is a lie. He made up the whole story.19) The boutique opposite my house is having sale.20) Isn't he a man who plays the violin in your orchestra?21) The village of baydon where he lived as a child , has now become part of the town

22) Are you the person who telephoned here an hour ago?23) If I'm accepted for a job, I'll have to start at the beginning of september.24) Will you send me the report as soon as it's finished?25) You shouldn't be taking a shower now. A taxi's coming in twenty minutes.26) As soon as he had saved enough money he bought a new computer.27)It was a very stormy night. The wind was howling and the rain was beating against the window.

28) There was an accident which held up all the traffic coming into town.

29) Obviously we aren't going for a walk in the rain.30) It's pleasant to play a game of tennis on a warm summer afternoon. 31) A/the student at the back of the class was reading a newspaper. 32) An elephant's trunk is very strong , it can hold a log a wood. 33) You eat too little: that amount wouldn't keep a sparrow alive. 34) The shirts on the washing-line must be dry now. 35) A small room was crammed with furniture .

36) what is the capital of India? - Delhi.37) What do you think of Margaret ?- She is an extremely nice person.38) I've got a book about the life of John Kennedy. 39) Pauline asked me a question to which I could hardly give a reply.40) Do you have a sleeping bag by any chance?

41) The nail went right through the wall.42) They thought that the car was too expensive. 43) The festival will be opened the day after tomorrow.44) Linda stopped the car to let a black cat run across the street.45) My mother was surprised at the cleanliness of the room. 46) The job brought Paul great satisfaction.47) you must contract the manager and tell him about the telegram. It is an urgent telegram.

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