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The job ... of pilot is a very demanding.We could hear the noise ... the passing traffic.The legs ...the trousers were too long.Hamlet was written ....Shakespeare. There are no simple solutions ...the problem of overpopulation .This picture ...their country house.We regret to infirm you that your request ... a loan has been refused. The key ...a successful career is to find a job that you really enjoy.I don't like the idea ...staying in town on such a hot day.The tomb ...Tutenkhamun was discovered in Egypt in 1922.A galaxy is a collection ....millions ....stars.I can't think of answer ...your question.I have written several times but I haven't received a reply ...my letters. He says he has never seen any paiting ...Turner.Emily didn't give us a convincing reason ....not coming to the party.I can't see the attraction ...spending all day on the beach.Her friends' messages ....sympathy were a comfort ...her during her illness. the spread of drugs is a threat ...the stability of he country. a complete rest is the best cure ....your disease.

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The job of pilot is a very demanding.We could hear the noise of the passing traffic.The legs of the trousers were too long.Hamlet was written  by Shakespeare. There are no simple solutions to the problem of overpopulation .This picture of their country house.We regret to infirm you that your request for a loan has been refused. The key to a successful career is to find a job that you really enjoy.I don't like the idea of staying in town on such a hot day.The tomb of Tutenkhamun was discovered in Egypt in 1922.A galaxy is a collection of millions of stars.I can't think of answer to your question.I have written several times but I haven't received a reply to my letters. He says he has never seen any paiting by Turner.Emily didn't give us a convincing reason for not coming to the party.I can't see the attraction of spending all day on the beach.Her friends' messages of sympathy were a comfort  forher during her illness. the spread of drugs is a threat to the stability of he country. a complete rest is the best cure  for your disease.

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