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I like this car . Its always been very....(rely). You are always .... . Isn't there anything that makes you happy? (misery) It was a very ....experience and it took a long time to get over it. (upset) The road signs were so ...that I didn't know which way to go.(confuse) I'm afraid he's got very ...habits. (irritate) It was only after a great deal of persistence that I got a ...answer. (satisfy) It takes a lot of determination to ...in a....business. (success, compete) His arrogant attitude made him ....with the other people in the office . ( popular)  That was a rather ...remark. You've obviously upset him. (tact)  I don't know why they bother to print these bus timetable. They are completely ... . (rely)  Don't you think it's rather ....to  play your music so loudly at night? (consider)  That was an ....thing to say. You know how ...she is. (kind, sense)  I must ...these trousers. They are too long for me. ( short) Don't try to do things too quickly . Set yourself ...targets. (real) Landing a spacecraft on the moon was a great ....for mankind. ( achieve)  he may be a   good actor , but as a singer he is a complete .... . (fail)  They rejected the candidate because he was totally ... . (suit ) I wouldn't say they were rich , but they're certainly ... . (wealth)

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I like this car . Its always been very reliable (rely). You are always miserable. Isn't there anything that makes you happy? (misery) It was a very upsetting experience and it took a long time to get over it. (upset) The road signs were so confusing that I didn't know which way to go.(confuse) I'm afraid he's got very irritating habits. (irritate) It was only after a great deal of persistence that I got a satisfactory answer. (satisfy) It takes a lot of determination to succeed in a competitive business. (success, compete) His arrogant attitude made him unpopular with the other people in the office . ( popular)  That was a rather tactless remark. You've obviously upset him. (tact)  I don't know why they bother to print these bus timetable. They are completely unreliable . (rely)  Don't you think it's rather disconsidering to  play your music so loudly at night? (consider)  That was an unkind thing to say. You know how sensitive she is. (kind, sense)  I must shorten these trousers. They are too long for me. ( short) Don't try to do things too quickly . Set yourself realizable targets. (real) Landing a spacecraft on the moon was a great achievement for mankind. ( achieve)  he may be a   good actor , but as a singer he is a complete failure. (fail)  They rejected the candidate because he was totally unsuitable. (suit ) I wouldn't say they were rich , but they're certainly wealthy. (wealth)

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