помогите вставить вместо пробелов артикли : A;THE;---
 He slipped and ... wine spilled all over ... carpet.
 Brian seems ... ideal person for ... job.
 After studying ... languages at ... university Steven became ... interpreter at... United Nations.
It's very important for ... parents to encourage ... in­dependence in their children.
  I saw ... woman coming up ... path to .. house. It was ... woman I had seen at... station ... day before.
  My mother loves ... Italian operas even though she can't understand ... words.
  ... Neil Armstrong, ... first man on ... moon, used to work for NASA.
  ... police were called in to deal with ... situation.
  ... people think ... climate in ...Mediterraneanis ... best in ... world.
I finally found ...book under....pile of...old newspapers and....magazines. ....council has passed ...new law about riding ...bikes on ...sidewalks.In ....late evening , I often see ...rabbits at...edge of...yard.....art of writing began in ....Mesopotamia, ....modern country of ....Iraq , millennium and ...half before it appeared in ....China.Many people are severely allergic to....poisonous plants such as ...ivy, hemlock and ....pokeweed.To produce their fine silk , ....silkworms feed chiefly on....mulberry leaves .Do you know ....white-haired man who is feeding ....pigeons?It was ....lovely house but ....stairs were too steep for..old people.If you give me...hand with.....dishes , we can go out together .There has been ...dramatic rise in unemployment in ....past ten years .Every morning I had to sort out ...mail and distribute .....faxes, before I could have ...cup of coffee .We spent ....wonderful evening with ...Stones ....gentle wind was blowing through...trees. ... room was completely empty so some of us sat down on ....floor while....other leaned against ...wall .

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He slipped and the wine spilled all over the carpet.

Brian seems an ideal person for the job.

After studying languages at the university Steven became an interpreter at the United Nations.

It's very important for parents to encourage in­dependence in their children.

  I saw woman coming up path to the house. It was the woman I had seen at the  station the day before.

  My mother loves Italian operas even though she can't understand words.

  Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, used to work for NASA.

  The police were called in to deal with the situation.

  People think the climate in Mediterranean is the best in the world.

I finally found the book under a pile of old newspapers and magazines.

The council has passed a new law about riding bikes on sidewalks. In late evening , I often see rabbits at the edge of the yard. The art of writing began in Mesopotamia, the modern country of Iraq , millennium and a half before it appeared in China. Many people are severely allergic to poisonous plants such as ivy, hemlock and pokeweed. To produce their fine silk ,the silkworms feed chiefly on the mulberry leaves . Do you know the white-haired man who is feeding pigeons? It was a lovely house but the stairs were too steep for old people. If you give me a hand with the dishes , we can go out together . There has been a dramatic rise in unemployment in the past ten years . Every morning I had to sort out the mail and distribute faxes, before I could have a cup of coffee . We spent a wonderful evening with Stones . gentle wind was blowing through the trees. The room was completely empty so some of us sat down on the floor while other leaned against the wall .

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