Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в правильное время Present Simple/Continuous
1.My baby brother (play) with his toys at the moment.
2.I (go) to school 25.
3. My Dad always (go) to work by car.
4.Simon (have) a guitar lesson now.
5.I (write) an English test now.
Найдите ошибку и исправьте её.
1.I am usually asking my friends to help me.
2.Tom and Jack write a test now.
3.They is playing football now.
4.Linda reading an interesting book at the moment.
5.They are run in the street now.

Есть ответ



1.My baby brother is playing with his toys at the moment.

2.I go to school 25.

3. My Dad always goes to work by car.

4.Simon has a guitar lesson now.

5.I am writing an English test now.

Найдите ошибку и исправьте её.

1.I am usually ask my friends to help me.

2.Tom and Jack writing a test now.

3.They are playing football now.

4.Linda is reading an interesting book at the moment.

5.They are running in the street now 

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