Помогите пожалуйста !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Test your grammar. 1. Make questions with you from the sentences. a. I was born in Almaty in 1991. (When?) b. I live in Astana.(Where?) c.I`ve goy three cousins.(How many?) d.I`m studing English, becaus` it`s an inrernational language.(Why?) e.I`ve been Russia and Turkey.(Which countries?) f.I was playing computer games at 5 o`clock yesterday. (What?) g.She is going to visit her grandparents on holiday.(What?) h. We`re watching TV tonight.(What?)

Есть ответ


a. When were you born?

b. Where do you live?

c. How many cousins have you got?

d. Why are you studiing English?

e. Which countries have you been to ?

f. What did you do at 5 o`clock yesterday?

g. What is she going to do on holiday?

h. What are you doing tonight?

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