present simple or present continuos
1.choose the correct form of the verb.
a.where tom?
he has is havinq a bath.
b. do you want  an ice -cream?
no, thanks. i don eat am not eatinq ice - cream.
c. we can play tennis because it rains is raininq.
d. i am not understandinq don understand what you are sayinq.
e.what do you do are you doinq toniqht?

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present simple or present continuos

1.choose the correct form of the verb.

a.where tom?

he is havinq a bath.

b. do you want  an ice -cream?

no, thanks. I don eat an ice - cream.

c. We can not play tennis because it is raining.

d. I don't understand what you are saying.

e.what do you do toniqht?

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