Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the present progressive.
1)"You (be) always late from school. I‘ll have to speak to your parents." 
 2)We rarely (go out) on Fridays. We like to relax at home.
3) What (go) on?-Her litter sister (play) with her new toy.
4) This month  I (get up) very early.-What you (do)&-I (go) to aerobics class before school.
5)Normally  Alice (be) very nice and helpful but this week she (be) really rude to everybody.
6)I'd like to introduce my friend Peter.-What you (do)? -I (be) a film director.-Wow, that's interesting. ... you(work) on anything at the moment?

Есть ответ


1)"You  are  always late from school. I‘ll have to speak to your parents." 

 2)We rarely go out on Fridays. We like to relax at home.

3) What  is going  on?-Her litter sister is playing  with her new toy.

4) This month  I get up very early.-What  do you do-I  go to aerobics class before school.

5)Normally  Alice  is very nice and helpful but this week she is really rude to everybody.

6)I'd like to introduce my friend Peter.-What  do you do? -I  am a film director.-Wow, that's interesting. ... Are you working on anything at the moment?

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