Вставьте артикль, где необходимо1. There is ... wonderful small computer in ... front of ...books there. 2. Where is ... soup? - ... soup is in .. bigsaucepan on ... gas cooker. 3. Where are ... cutlets? -...cutlets are in ... refrigerator on ... little plate. 4. There is no ...bread on ... table. Where is ... bread? 5. There is ... littlebrown coffee table in our ... room in ... front of ... sofa. 6.Where is ... table in your ... room? 7. There is ... thick carpeton ... floor in my mother's ... room.8. Is your brother at ... home? - No, he is at ... work. Heworks at ... big factory. He is ... engineer9. My sister has many ... books. ... books are in ... bigbookcase. 10. ... weather is fine today. Let's go and play in ...yard. There are many ... children in ... yard. They are playingwith ... ball.​

Есть ответ


1. There is a wonderful small computer in _ front of the  books there.
2. Where is the soup? - The soup is in the big  saucepan on the gas cooker.
3. Where are the cutlets? - The  cutlets are in the refrigerator on the little plate.
4. There is no _ bread on the table. Where is the bread?
5. There is a little  brown coffee table in our _ room in _ front of the sofa.
6.  Where is the table in your _ room?
7. There is a thick carpet  on the floor in my mother's _ room.

8. Is your brother at _ home? - No, he is at _ work. He  works at a big factory. He is an engineer
9. My sister has many _books. The books are in the big  bookcase.
10. The weather is fine today. Let's go and play in the yard. There are many _ children in the yard. They are playing  with a ball.​

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