помогите 20 предложений паст симпл паст континиус презент симпл паст пёрффект

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The doctor advised me to keep to a diet.

Did you work yesterday?

I didn’t work yesterday.

I played golf in the morning.

Did you play golf in the morning?   (Past Simple.)

I was working.

I was not working.

She wasn’t working.

Weren’t we working?

It was raining in the morning.   ( Past Contunious)

I always  close the window at night.

The sun rises in the east.

This apartment is very expensive. It costs a lot of money.

In Ukraine banks are open from Monday till Friday.

The boys do not (don’t) cry.  (Present Simple ).


I had been working. 

We had been working.

You had been working.

He (she, it) had been working.

They had been working. ( Past Perfect )

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