Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Mark: hi, Helen. It’s Mark. I’m ringing (ring) to ask you about your new school.
Helen: hi, Mark. School is fine, thanks. I…………(like) the teachers and the other students.
We ……..(not wear) a  uniform and that’s great! We……..(have) tests every week, though, and
I ………….(do) a lot of homework every day.
Mark: poor thing! I……..(prepare) for a music exam at the moment, so I’m really busy.
Helen: ……………..(work) on the school play this term, too?
Mark: Yes, Jo and I……..(write) some songs now. She ….also…….. (learn) to play the guitar, too.
What ……you…..(do) at the weekends?
Helen: I…….(play)tennis every Saturday and on Sunday…..(relax)!

Есть ответ


1. like

2. don't wear

3. have

4. do

5. 'm preparing

6. Are ... working

7. are writing 

8. is ... learning

9. do ... do 

10. play

11. relax

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