1. They do not go to school.
2. Do they go to school?
- Yes, they do
- No, they do not

Нужно сделать по образцу:
1. Pete likes to play football.
2. We live in a large house.
3. He likes oranges.
4. They play in the yard.
5. I like music.

Есть ответ


1. Does he like to play football?(хотя я что-то не уверена в необходимости "to" в этом случае. по идее:he likes playing football, does he like playing football)

 - Yes, he does.

 - No? he does not.

2.Do you live in a large house?

 - Yes, we do

 - No, we do not.

3.Does he like oranges?

 - Yes, he does.

 - No, he does not.

4. Do they play in the yard?

 - Yes, they do.

 - No, they do not,

5. Do you like music?

 - Yes, i do.

 - No, i do not.

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