выбрать правильный ответ(т.е. вместо ... поставить правильный вериант) И ОБЬЯСНИТЬ ПОЧЕМУ ВЫ ВЫБРАЛИ ИМЕННО ЭТОТ ВАРИАНТ
1)...two good libraries in this town.
a) They are b) Their c) There ere
2)Meet me friends.  ... from the USA.
a) They are  b) Their c) There ere
3)I haven't met the teacher ...
a) already   b) yet    c) ago
4)Ican give you the dictionary. I ... using it right now.
a) don't   b) am not  c) cannot
5)... it rain last Sunday?
a)Did  b) Does  c) Was
6)It ntver rains there, ... ?
a) is it  b) does it  c) doesn't it
7)... no people in the park.
a)It will be  b) There will be  c) There won't be
8)-Are you doing to read the book?
-No, i ... it already.
a) have read  b) have been reading  c)am reading
9)I have been translating the text ... .
a) an hour ago  b) since two o'clock  c) already
10)What ... when he came in?
a) were you doing  b) are you doing  c)do you do

Есть ответ


1)...two good libraries in this town.

 c) There are- множ число- 2 библиотеки


2)Meet my friends.  ... from the USA.

a) They are - они из америки


3)I haven't  met the teacher ...

   b) yet    - eще -употребляется в отриц. предложениях


4)I can give you the dictionary. I ... using it right now.

   b) am not  - present progressive-настоящее длительное время


5)... it rain last Sunday?

a)Did  -past simple


6)It never rains there, ... ?

 c) doesn't it- present simple- в "хвосте" отрицание,т.к. в 1 части положительное предложение


7)... no people in the park.

  b) There will be  -второе отрицание не нужно,т.к. есть no


8)-Are you going to read the book?

-No, i ... it already.

a) have read  -действие уже закончилось- present perfect


9)I have been translating the text ... .

  b) since two o'clock  - present perfect progressive- с 2 часов действие длится и еще не закончено


10)What ... when he came in?

a) were you doing  -past progressive- что ты делал в тот момент когда он пришел

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