You got a letter from friend Jim. Write your ansemer to him.90-110 words.
..Last wekend I went to the Zoo with my friends. Then we went to cafe and ate a lot of ice-cream. We talked and laughed a lot. it was a great weekend...
And where did you spend the weekend? With Whom did you spend it? Where did you go?..

Есть ответ


где ты првел свои выходные . с кем ты првел и куда ходил ..Last wekend I went to the cinema with my parents.we look "The Avengers" .American superhero film . he impressed me . it is fantastic film! I advise you to see"The Avengers" .  Then we went to mcDonalds. and ate a Big Mac,McChicken and (пили) McCafe. I end up writing.Mom asks for help.write me.

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