Умоляю!! Помогите!
1) Mario (go) to English classes on Tuesday and Thursday/
2) I (not/read) in the evening. I watch TV.
3) My mother (watch) cooking programmes on TV.
4) British people (drink) a lot of tea.
5) In Spain cars (not/stop) at zebra crossings/
6) She (do) her homework in the evening/
7) Amanda (not/like) dogs/
8) A lot Of men (not/do) housework/
9) Gary (study) German/
10) My parents (not/live) in flat, thhey live in a house/
11) It's a good film but it (finish) at 12.00/

Есть ответ


1 goes

2 don't read 

3 watches

4 drink

5 don't stop

6 does

7 doesn't like

8 don't do

9 stydys

10 don't live

11 finishes

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