Помогите,плииз!!!Используйте правильные формы слов в скобках, чтобы закончить текст(пассивный залог)"English  English"is a term that (1)...(apply) to the  English language that (2)...(speak) in England.In   English-speaking countries outside the UK,the term "British  English"(3)...more frequently...(use).However,the term "English  English"(4)...(introduce) some time ago by Peter Trudgill in Language in the British Isles.This term (5)...now generally ...(recognise) in academic writing .The term  "British  English",however,has a wider meaning,and (6)...usually ...(reserve)to describe the features common to  English English,Welsh English,Hiberno-English,and Scottish English. A lot of people (7)...always ...(interest) in the different accents and dialects that exist in Britain.That`s why The English Dictionary that (8)...(compile)by Joseph Wright,is now extremely valuable.But the diversity of accents within the nation (9)...still...(study)by linguists.Dialect research papers (10)...often ...(sell)for hundreds of pounds.People tend to be very proud of their local accent or dialect.

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English  English" is a term that   is  applied to the  English language that  is spoken in England.In   English-speaking countries outside the UK,the term "British  English" is  more frequently used.However,the term "English  English" was  introduced some time ago by Peter Trudgill in Language in the British Isles.This term  is  now generally recognised in academic writing .The term  "British  English",however,has a wider meaning,and  is usually  reserved to describe the features common to  English English,Welsh English,Hiberno-English,and Scottish English. A lot of people  are always  interested  in the different accents and dialects that exist in Britain.That`s why The English Dictionary that  was   compiled by Joseph Wright,is now extremely valuable.But the diversity of accents within the nation has been  still   studying   by linguists.Dialect research papers  are   often sold  for hundreds of pounds.People tend to be very proud of their local accent or dialect.

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