помогите пожалуйста написать 15 придложений с many  и matsh
нужно к забтру учусь с 1 смены!

Есть ответ


1. There  was much snow last winter.

2.  I bought much milk in the shop  2 days ago.

3. I try to drink as much water as possible.

4. I need much butter for this cake.

5. tHERE IS much rain in this part of the country in spring.

6. I have much time to get there.

7. He ate much ice- cream  yesterday.

8. She loves him very much.

9. Ihave many English books at home.

10. We  learn many subjects at school.

11. I  have already visited many foreign  countries.

12. How many seas do you know?

13. I  have many friends.

14. He has many discs in his collection.

15. Many people come here every year.

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