вставить слова 1. Sam - to ride a bike for... - to ride 3 miles. 2. Mary - to do the shopping since... - to buy a lot of food.3. Bill - to read detective stories for... to read 2 stories. 4. Sally - to make pancakes since... to make 50 big pancakes.5. Roy - to watch videos for... to see 2 films.6. Jack - to train since... - to throw the ball 100 meters. 7. Sarah - to wash up for... to break a few plates. 8. The children - to plant flowers since... - to plant a lot of primroses.

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1. Sam has been riding a bike  for 15 minutes and  has ridden 3 miles.

2. Mary  had been doing the shopping since 10 o*clock and  has bought a lot of food.

3. Bill  has been  reading  detective stories for 4  days  and has read 2 stories.

4. Sally  has been  making pancakes since early morning and has made   50 big pancakes.

5. Roy  has been  watching videos for 4 hours and has seen  2 films.

6. Jack  has been  training  since childhood and has  thrown the ball 100 meters.

7. Sarah  has been  washing  up for 2 minutes  and has broken a few plates.

8. The children have been  planting flowers since Monday and have  planted  a lot of primroses.

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