Помогите пожалуйста с инглишом,здесь нужно поставить во времена слова в скобочках: This summer I lived at my granny^s in the country.Every morning I ____(get up) and ____(run) to the river.I ___(swim) in any weather and then _____(go bask) for breakfast .I ____(eat)dilicious cakes and ____(drink) some warm milk.Then I _____(feed) my puppy and we _____(be glad) to help my grandmother in the garden.ПРОШУ ПОМОГИТЕ!!!!!!!!!!

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This summer I lived at my granny*s in the country.

Every morning I got up and ran to the river.

swam in any weather and then  went back for breakfast .

ate   dilicious cakes and drank some warm milk.

Then I  fed my puppy and we were  glad to help my grandmother in the garden.

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