Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive):
1)I'm looking forward to (see) you.
2)Don't forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed.
3)My mother told me (not speak) to anyone about it.
4)Would you mind (show) me how (work) the lift.
5)The boys like (play) games but hate (do) lessons.
6)Try (forget) it;it isn't I worth (worry) about

Есть ответ


I'm looking foward to seeing you.

Don't forget to lock the door before you go to sleep!

My mother told me not to talk to strangers

Would you mind to show me how to work the lift? 

The boys like to play games but hate to do lessons.

Try to forget it;it isn't I worth to worry about

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