Помогите написать вопросы для ответов?
1) Sally / play / basketball ?
    Yes,she does. She often plays basketball.
2)  What / the twins / play after school ?
    The  twins play football.
3) The twins / go / to the same school ?
   Yes, they do. They go to Ridgeway School.
4)When / they / have dinner ?
  They have dinner at 8 o'clock.
5) the twins / like / the same subjects?
   No,they don't except for P.E.

Есть ответ


1)  Does Sally  play   basketball ?

    Yes,she does. She often plays basketball.

2)  What  do  the twins / play after school ?

    The  twins play football.

3) Do the twins  go to the same school ?

   Yes, they do. They go to Ridgeway School.

4)When  do  they  have dinner ?

  They have dinner at 8 o'clock.

5) Do the twins  like  the same subjects?

   No,they don't except for P.E.

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