IX. Use the verbs of command: A. 1.... here! 2.... to the table! 3.... the book! 4.... the bag. 5. ... the door! 6.... at my cat! B. 1.... not... the book. 2.... not... down,... here. 3.... not ... at Ann. 4.... not... to the door. 5. ... not... my pen.

Есть ответ


1. Come here!

2. Go to the table!

3.Read/ take/ put  the book!

4.   Take  the bag.

5. Open/ close  the door!

6.  Look at my cat!


B. 1.Do   not read/ take/ put  the book.

2.. Do  not sit  down, stand  here.

3.   Do  not  look  at Ann.

4.    Do  not  come  to the door.

5. Do  not take   my pen.

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