Написать 15 предложений в разных временах с глаголом to be))) Всех по 5**** ЖДУ!!!!!*********)))))

Есть ответ


1. I am a pupil.

2. You aren*t a doctor- you are a teacher

3. She is in London now.

4. It is my favoutite book.

5. They are in the yard.


1. I WAS in Malta this summer.

2. We were   in the 6th form last year.

3. He was a builder 5 years ago.

4. They were in Kiev last week.

5.She was in the cinema yesterday.


1. I*ll be a student soon.

2. He*ll be a doctor.

3. We*ll be in London next month.

4. They*ll be in the theatre tomorrow.

5. She*ll be busy next week.

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