Правильно ли я сделала эти задания?Пожалуйста не по переводчику. И еще,предложения никак не связаны.1.Keanu Reeves doesn't came (not come) from England, he came (come) from America.2.In 1867, the USA doesn't bought (not buy) Canada from Russia, the USA bought (buy) Alaska.
3.I don't painted (not paint) the bathroom at the moment, I'm in the kitchen.4. She doesn't marry (not marry) Tom next year, she married (marry) David.5. In 2050, we don't use (not use) petrol in our cars, we drove (drive) on electric roads.  

Есть ответ


1. Keanu Reeves didn't come from England, he came from America.

2. In 1867, the USA didn't buy Canada from Russia, the USA bought Alaska.

3. I am not painting the bathroom at the moment, I'm in the kitchen.

4. She won't marry Tom next year, she will marry David.

5. In 2050, we won't use petrol in our cars, we will drive on electic roads.

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