Мне очень щас надо прям
Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1) They (love) _____ going skiing. 2) We (become) ______ friends. 3) He (not buy) ______ a computer. 4) (learn) ______ she _______ French at school? 5) I (want) _____ to have a holiday last June. 6) Where (go) ____ he _____ last night? 7) She (leave) ____ the baby in the shop. 8) He (not marry) _____ her. 9) When (do) _____ you _____ your homework? 10) I (study) _____ Italian in Rome. 11) The train (not move) ______ until 11.30.

Есть ответ



2. became

3. did not buy

4. Did she learn...?

5. wanted 

6. Where did he go...?

7. left

8.did not marry

9. When did you do...?


11. did not move

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