расставить словосочетания по предложениям.
be more sociable
be less nervous
be more polite
improve her memory
be more independent
be smarter
1.Margaret is nice but she always forges things.She should ...
2.Frank is nice but he always dos everything his friends tell him to do. He should ...
3.Danny is nice but he cannot say a word to people whom he doesn`t know well. He should...
4.Jane is nice but sometimes she is rather stupid.She should...
5.Mary is nice but sometimes she is rather rude.She should ...
6.Julia is nice but she worries about everything .She should ...

Есть ответ


1.improve her memory.

2.be more independent.

3.be more sociable.

4.be smarter. 

5.be more polite.

6.be less nervous.

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