Прочитай тексты, выбери и обведи нужные формыTarono.1. Next year Peter won't travel/travels aboutRussia, he travels/will travel in Europe. He(visited/will visit Rome and small Italiantowns. Peter tries/will try to meet a lot ofItalian people. He is learning Italian and hewill talk/talks to them.2. Last summer Mary travels/travelled aboutRussia. Her parents and she decided/decideto go to St Petersburg. Mary invited /willinvite her best friend Tatyana to join them.In St Petersburg they visit/visited a lot of places. In the evenings they talk/ talked about the wonderful city. Very summer Lena travel/ travels to on. She is learning/ learng English. She usually lives/ live with her friend. The girls speak/speaks English a lot summer now and Lena is in London. doesn't study/ isn't studying now, she having/ has lunch.​

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1. Travel, will travel, will visit Rome, will try , will
2) travelled, decided, invited, , visited, asked, travels, is learning, lives, speakes, doesn’t study , has lunch

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