Помогите пж . Английский 6 класс .Past simple Вставьте слова в пропуски . had to cleaned Didcouldn't playcamedidn't eat didn'twaswasDidWerewenthelpТекст: 1______ you 2______tennis yesterday?No, l 3_____ . I 4_____ the house till noon, because my mother -in-law 5______ to visit us in the afternoon.6_____ your children 7_______ you? No , they 8______.They were studying for their exams all day.And your husband ? He 9 ______ too tired.He 10_____ wash the car . 11_____ you tired in the evening? Of course I 12______.I 13 ______ anything .I 14 ______ straight to bed.​

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