сочинение про поезд срочно надо !!!!! но должы упоминаться таки ...
сочинение про поезд срочно надо !!!!!но должы упоминаться таки фразы как :зал ожидания. должен был прибыть .прямой поезд. путешествовать на легке. камера хранения. закать билеты заранее
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Modern life is impossible without travelling. Many people make their choice on travelling by train. Travelling by train is of course slower than by air but it also has its advantages. If you are going to travel by train you'd better book seats beforehand because many people are fond of travelling by train. Then you go to a railway station. There you will see hundreds of people hurrying to catch a train. You'll waste a lot of time standing near the booking-office trying to buy a ticket. Modern trains have very comfortable seats in all passenger cars, and there are sleeping-cars and dining-cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. You can buy first-class, second-class and third-class sleepers in a separate compartment. If you are early before the train starts you can leave your suit-cases in the compartment and walk up and down the platform. Some people forget when and from which platform their train will be off. They can always ask for the track, platform and train numbers at the railroad station information bureau and also get information about next trains and their schedules. There are express, slow and long-distance trains. If you want to go somewhere and get there as quickly as possible you'd better know that express trains only stop at the largest stations while slow trains stop at all stations. You can get to far countries only by a long-distance train. Once you are in your compartment you have to ask the guide to bring in the bedding. There are usually two lower and two upper berths in a third-class sleeper compartment. Some people like to occupy upper berths because it is more convenient and exciting to travel. During your way on the train you can read newspapers, books, look out of the window, drink the tea, communicate with your neighbors or sleep. I prefer to look out of the window, because you can see the country you are passing through, and not only the clouds as when you are flying. You can have something to eat at the stations when the train makes stops. Though we all seem to agree that the future belongs to air transport, the railroads today still carry a lot of passengers and goods.
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