Card № 18 Use the third conditional: 1) If you -------- (not/be) late, we ---------- (not/miss) the bus. 2) If she -------- (study) she -------- (pass) the exam. 3) If we --------- (arrive) earlier, we ------- (see) John. 4) If they ------- (go) to bed early, they ------ (not/wake) up late. 5) If he ------ (become) a musician, he ------ (record) a CD. 6) If she ------ (go) to art school, she ------- (become) a painter. 7) If I -- ----- (be) born in a different country, I ------ (learn) to speak a different language. 8) If she -- ----- (go) to university, she ------ (study) French. 9) If we ------ (not/go) to the party, we ----- -- (not/meet) them. 10) If he ------- (not/take) the job, he ------- (go) travelling. 11) He ------- (be) happier if he ------ (stay) at home. 12) She ------- (pass) the exam if she ------- (study) harder. 13) We ------- (not/get) married if we ------- (not/go) to the same university. 14) They ------- (be) late if they ------- (take) a taxi. 15) She -------- (not/meet) him if she ------- (not/come) to London. 16) He -------- (take) a taxi if he ------- (have) enough money. 17) I -- ----- (call) you if I ------- (forget) my phone.

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