Заполните пробелы формой Past Simple или Present Perfect. Соблюдайте порядок слов. 1. I just _____ (show) you the way to the station. 2. I ____ (give) you your drops in the morning. 3. They ____ (buy) these props right now. 4. Mary _____ (come) at 6 yesterday. 5. They already ____ (prepare) them for you. 6. We ___ (buy) some sleeping pills yesterday. 7. Jake ____ (have) problems with his sleep last week. 8. The doctor ____ (give) me the sedatives without a prescription the day before yesterday. 9. I always ____ (want) to go to the country. 10. She already _____ (get) there by cab. 11. We ____ (take) bus seven yesterday. 12. It ____ (take) me about twenty minutes to get to the station the day before yesterday. 13. I just ____ (help) you. 14. You ____ (do) it yet? 15. I ____ (not buy) a pullover yet. 16. Jane _____ (buy) a T-shirt a week ago. 17. You ____ (show) Mike those jeans yet? 18. How many pullovers of different kind you already _____ see? 19. What shoes she ____ (try) on yesterday? 20. She already ____ (settle) this over the phone.

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