Помогите пожалуйста, работу надо сдать уже сегодня( Make these sentences negative (сделайте данные утвердительные предложения отрицательными) 1.I can speak English. 2. My friends are students. 3. She answers phone calls every day. 4. My father works on weekend. 5. His friend and I play computer games. 6. My sister watches TV in the evening. 7. Her cat is small and nice. 8. They visit their granny every Sunday. 9. My mother is a doctor. Task 3. Ask questions (сделайте данные утвердительные предложения вопросительными) 1. 1. Jim does his homework every day. 2. My friends visit us on Sundays. 3. She waters the flowers in the morning. 4. We like to play the guitar. 5. Jim and Jill go to the shop. They want to buy new clothes. 6. John’s brother likes to watch horror films. 7. Her boyfriend helps her to cook dinner.

Есть ответ


1 I can't speak English. 2 My friends are not students. 3 She doesn't answer phone calls every day. 4 My father doesn't work on weekend. 5 His friend and I don't play computer games. 6 My sister doesn't watch TV in the evening. 7. Her cat isn't small and nice. 8. They don't visit their granny every Sunday. 9. My mother isn't a doctor.
1. 1. Does Jim do his homework every day? 2. Do my friends visit us on Sundays? 3. Does she waters the flowers in the morning? 4. Do we like to play the guitar? 5. Do Jim and Jill go to the shop? Do they want to buy new clothes? 6. Does John’s brother like to watch horror films? 7. Does her boyfriend help her to cook dinner?

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