2) Buckingham Palace/ls/official/the/residence/ot/in/the Queen onon3) the/heart/London/of/are/beautiful/many/there/parks/in.4) the/with/are/streets/crowded/traffic.5) is/of/always/London/full/life/Make up sentences.1) capital/London/city/is/England/the/of/.2) it/the/Thames/is/on/River/located/.3) London Heathrow/the/busiest/is/airport/world's.4) it/is/interesting/with/an/city/of/castles/hundreds.5) The London Underground/is/oldest/the/the/railway/underground/network/in/world.Match the problems with the pieces of advice.1) I have a sore throat.2) I want to speak English more fluently.a) You should study better.b) You should learn to drive.c) You should eat healthyfood.d) You should take some3) I'm putting on weight.4) I'm bored at weekends.pills.e) You should call yourfriend tonight.5) I don't like travelling in crowded buses.4Match the problems with the pieces of advice.1) I have a cold.a) You should buy another one.2) I've broken my mobile phone.b) You should stay in bed.3) I've lost my homework.C) You should consult a dentist.Помогите!!! ​

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