Use the Present3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use theSimple or the Present Continuous.1) Now he wants (want) a glass of orange juice. He's very thirsty2) Right now Almaz-(watch) a romantic film. I(think) he(like) it. He usually(not watch)romantic films.3) I(know) the answer.4) My brother - (like) reading detective stories.5) Ramis is good at languages. He - (speak) five languagesfluently. He also_(understand) Uzbek.6) - Whatyou(eat)?- An orange. It's so juicy. I - _(love) oranges.7) Azamat is not here at the moment. He(fix) his bike inthe garage. Heknow) how to do it.8) I(not understand) when he speaks quickly.​

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