Помоги те решить 2 napuan 3 3aan 1. Lisa A mustn't have cooked this delicious meal. She doesn't even know how to boil an egg! B shouldn't C can't 2 Ben tells the jokes I've ever heard A funnier B funniest C most funny 3. Neither Annabel Sue has ever flown in a plane. A or B and C nor 4. If Frank us, we wouldn't have finished the project on time. A wouldn't help B didn't help Chadn't helped 5. Don't be late, The film at 8.00 pm. A is starting B will start C starts 6. Mark said that he a great time in London the previous summer. A had had B would have C has had 7.Gary didn't mean you. He was s just in a bad mood. A hurt B hurting C to hurt My mum says she'll never forget my dad for the first time. A to meet B she met C meeting 9. The plane took off ten minutes after the last passenger had it. A caught B booked C boarded 10. Bob gets paid soon, he will not be able to pay his bills Alf B Unless C When 11. Su wanted to change the appearance of her living room, so she by a professional Interior designer A decorated it B had it decorated C had decorated it 12. We for three hours before we decided to take a break. A must be trekking B had been trekking Chave been trekking 13. Mum advised me the heavy box up the stairs. don't carry A not to carry B to not carry 14. After living in London for a few months. Emma finally driving on the left. A used to B got used to C was used to 15. What time does the train Bristol? A arrive B get reach 16. Dan's health has really ever since he stopped eating junk food. A developed B increased C improved 17. Look at Martha's expression. She screaming any minute now! A is starting B is going to start will start

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