Раскрыть скобки1. She (to speak) three foreign languages rather well. 2.The weather (not to be) very good yesterday, but it’s better today. 3. Have you ever (to be) to Great Britain?4. My parents (to go) to the Black Sea two months ago. 5. The students (to pass ) the exams tomorrow? 6. Mr. Green (not to speak) Russian very well. 7. My friends (to buy) a new computer three months ago. 8. The students (to miss) the lectures every day? 9. Max (not to be) at the sports club the day after tomorrow. 10. My sisters (to buy) a new tape-recorder next week. 11. The students (to visit) the lectures yesterday? 12. His friends (not to work) in the garden at this moment. 13. Has my cousin ever (to be) to Moscow? 14. The students ( not to visit) the lectures yesterday. 15. His parents ( to come) to the country next Sunday. 16. We already (to do ) our English tests. 17. The students ( not to write) their dictation yesterday. 18. Kate’s parents ( to work) at the plant every day? 19. My friend (not to go) to the disco last week. 20. The students (to read) the English text now? 21. Max ( to be) at the cinema yesterday. 22. His sister (to go) to the disco two days ago.. 23. The student (to read) the English text now? 24. We (not to be) at the cinema tomorrow morning. 25. My friends (not to go) to the theater next Sunday. 25. The students (to write) the English dictation now? 27. Our relatives (not to be) at the cinema yesterday.28. My friends (to go) to the disco the day after tomorrow. 29. They (to read) the English text at this moment? 30. My friend (not to be) at the English lesson yesterday

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1. speaks2. wasn’t 3.

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