помогите пожалуйста с заданием- Вставьте a, the, some или оставьте пропуски незаполненными: Are there …cinemas or theatres in your town? – There aren’t …cinemas, but there is a theatre in it. 2. Is there…..for young people – a zoo, interesting museums? – I am sorry, there is …..zoo in our town, but there are …museums, …discos in it. 3. Have you… relations? – No, I haven’t…, I have …relations. 4. Do you know…..about Chinese art? 5. Did you meet…..on your way to school? 6. How could I know that he was ill? …..told me…..7. I’ve just made…..coffee. Would you like…..? 8. Wait…..minute! …..coffee is very hot – I’d like …..milk, please. – I prefer …..black coffee. 9. a) Give me …..water please. I am thirsty. B) …..water in this river is always cold. c) …..water is necessary for animals and plants. 10. a) He likes….. modern music. b) I should like to listen to…..music. c) I don’t like …..music, it is too noisy.

Есть ответ


1. Are there any cinemas or theatres in your town? – There aren’t any cinemas, but there is a theatre in it.
2. Is there anything for young people – a zoo, interesting museums? – I am sorry, there is no zoo in our town, but there are some museums and discos in it.
3. Have you any relations? – No, I haven’t any, I have no relations.
4. Do you know anything about Chinese art?
5. Did you meet anyone on your way to school?
6. How could I know that he was ill? Nobody told me anything.
7. I’ve just made some coffee. Would you like some?
8. Wait a minute! The coffee is very hot – I’d like no milk, please. – I prefer black coffee.
9. a) Give me some water please. I am thirsty. B) The water in this river is always cold. c) Water is necessary for animals and plants.
10. a) He likes modern music. b) I should like to listen to some music. c) I don’t like the music, it is too noisy.

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