Помогите , пожалуйста, составить короткий пересказ этого текста от третьего лица Every evening she came out of the dark and stepped into the bright light of the street like a frightened child far from home. I knew that she had never been at the end of the alley before eight o'clock, and yet there were evenings when I ran there two hours early and waited until shecame. Duringall those monthsI had known her, shehad been late onlytwo orthreetimes,andthenitwasonlytenorfifteenminutespasteightwhenshecame. Rachel had never told me where she lived, and she would never let me walk home withher.Wherethealley beganwasthedoorthroughwhichshecame ateight,andthedoor which closed behind her at ten. When I had asked her to let me walk with her, she always saidthatherfatherdidnotallowherto bewithboysandthatifhesawustogetherhewould eitherbeatherpitilesslyormakeherleavehome. Rachel had told me that almost every time I saw her, as if she wanted me to understand some sort of danger that lay in the darkness of the alley. I knew there was no physical danger, because around the corner was our house and I knew the district as anyone else. And besides during the day I usually walked through the alley to our back gate on my way home, because it was the shortest way when I was late for supper. But after dark the alley was Rachel's, and I had never gone home that way at night as I feared to see her or hear of her. I had promised her from the beginningthat I would never follow her to find out whereshelived,andthatIwouldnevertrytodiscoverherrealname. I knew Rachel and her family were poor, because she had been wearing the same dress for nearly a year. It was a worn but clean dress of blue cotton, and I knew she washed it every day. Each evening when I saw her, I was worried because I knew that the cloth would not last for long.I wanted to offer to buyher a dress with the few dollars I had in my bank, but I was afraid even to suggest such a thing to her. I was sure that it would mean the end of my seeing her .

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