5.148. He would be happier if he ... take things so seriously.(a) didn't b) don't c) hadn't d) doesn't5.149. 1... if there were any truth in her story.a) will believe D) must believe c) would believe d) had believed5.150. If ... no oxygen on the Earth, life wouldn't exist.a) there were b) there's chere is d ) wasn't5.151. What would you do if you ... your passport?a) lostb) losec) has lost d) have lost5.152. It's always the same! ... I decide to leave the office early, my boss callsme after I have left.a) Whether b) Unless c) If(d) Even though5.153. If they ... weight during the illness, they will soon regain it afterwards.a) oseb) lostc) will lose d ) has lost5.154. I wouldn't accept the job, even if thev ... it to me.a) offerb) offered chad offered d) have offered5.155. If he ... the windows, he will want his money.a) has done b) have done c) didd) had done5.156. What would you do if .... an earthquake ?a) there has been b) there's c) there is d there were5.157. If he ... that smoking is dangerous, he wouldn't smoke now.a) realized b had realized c) would realize d) has realized5.158. He said that if he didn't start taking regular exercises, ... in danger of be-coming ill.a) he would be b) he will be c) he had been d) he will been5.159. If I make some coffee, ... the cake ?a) cutbydo you cut c) have you cut d) will you cut5.160. If we ... even a small amount of money, they would appreciate it greatlya) gave b ) give c) will give a had given5.161. If the light ... , the battery is OK.a) come on b) comes on c) came on d had come on5.162. If you were on a desert island, what ... like to have with you?a) you would b) would you c).ave you d) you could5.163. If you ... here, where would you like to be ?a) weren't b) aren't c) have been d) had been5.164. If you ... English, which language would you study?a) weren't studyingb) weren't studyc) were studyingd, wasn't studyпж скажіть ​

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