II. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. output wage debts commodities demand capital research ownership 1. His fifteen stores employ 200 workers at an average ..........of $7.40 an hour. 2. The country's most valuable........ include tin and diamonds. 3. ........is how much of the product or service the company produces. 4. New laws were introduced to allow private........ and businesses to exist. 5. Grain prices are increasing, helped by both the strengthening U.S. economy and accelerating ........ from China. 6. When applying for a loan, customers may be required to prove their ability to repay the ........ 7. If you want to know what people think about a product, you do some market … 8. Low-tax policies are used by some countries to attract ........ .

Есть ответ


1 wage
2 commodities
3 output
4 ownership
5 demand
6 debts
7 research
8 capital

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