VI. Дополните предложения, обращая внимание на форму времениглагола-сказуемого главного и придаточного предложений.1. My friend hasn't come to see me since... 2. His sisterhas learnt three foreign languages since... 3. I haven'tbeen to the Crimea since... 4. I've known Smirnov since...5. Have you been to the Caucasus since...?​

Есть ответ


1. My friend hasn't come to see me since last Monday.
2. His sister  has learnt three foreign languages since I last saw her
3. I haven't  been to the Crimea since the war broke out
4. I've known Smirnov since I moved to Moscow
5. Have you been to the Caucasus since you took up climbing?​

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