Кто может привести 12 примеров(предложений) на conditionals по соц.раб?

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У меня получилось придумать только 8:
1 If there were no social workers, there would be more unhappy people in our world.
2 If you are kind, cooperative, patient, helpful, empathetic, tactful and friendly, you will be a good social worker.
3 If you choose to be a social worker, you'll spend your days helping other people to cope with difficult situations.
4 If people live longer, they will need more social workers' help.
5 If you wanted to become a social worker, you would need special edication.
6 If you lived in the USA, you would have to obtain a license before beginning your career in social work.
7 If social workers didn't exist, who would help people in need?
8 If you had a choice, what type of social work would you choose?

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