Complete the sentences1 A: Mayathe sentences with the verbs inbrackets in the past simple or the present perfect.. (win) a newlaptop on the quiz show last night.B: Yeah. IUCKY(just/hear). Isn't she lucky?2 A: .................................................... (you/see)my new profile picture on Facebook?B: Yes,........ (be)on Facebook last night. It's a cool photo.3 A: My dad ....................... (have) thislaptop for years. He needs to get a new one.B: You can get cheap ones now. My dad ...................... (buy) a new one last month.4 A: Boris .................... ........ (not/visit)us for ages. Is he all right?B: Yeah. I(chat)with him online the other day.5 A: Olafme you got a new smartphone.B: Yes, it's great.(tell)​

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1) won
2) I am hearing just
3) Did you see
4) I was
5) Has been having
6) bought
7) Isn't visiting
8) Will chat
9) told

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