изменить временные формы глаголов в следующих предложениях, используя разные наречие Her things were packed an hour ago. (already) They were shown the house yesterday. (in an hour) Tickets to the theatre are booked well in advance. (tomorrow) The letter will be sent by fax. (just) The house will be repaired next year. (by September) This hotel is run by Mrs. White. (for the last two years) Has this book been published yet? (last May) The room is cleaned every morning. (now) I was I was told the story when I saw them. (already) All important documents are kept in the safe. (all these years)

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Her things  have been already packed.
They will be shown the house in an hour.
Tickets to the theatre  will be booked well in advance.
The letter has  just been sent by fax.
The house had  been repaired  by September .

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